Thursday, November 30, 2006

homosexual marriage in NJ

Oh...Lions and Tigers and Gays..OH MY!!!

Let's hope that NJ sends the right message...people are people...and whoever is lucky enough to find love should be able to share it...marriage is a legal contract not a religious one....

hoping NJ doesn't take the civil union road


Blogger bassislife said...

Small inroads are better than none, I suppose. It'll be interesting to see which way this goes.

Of course, if they do what's right and legalize same-sex marriage, it still won't be recognized in many states, including Ohio, because the homophobes here voted to "protect" marriage by amending the state constitution banning it. So, while divorce rates reach staggering proportions, my neighbors who own property together and have been together for many, many years can't get married.

In case you couldn't tell, this issue really gets to me.

Straight but not narrow.

9:20 AM

Blogger mujeradelmundo said...

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6:45 AM

Blogger mujeradelmundo said...

The problem with small inroads is that they breed a feeling of inequality...

Civil unions I think can be a great alternative for all couples that choose not to marry but want some form of commitment...but to limit marriage to only "straight" couples under the umbrella of religion is scarey...
I don't want to be name calling etc...marriage between straight or gay couples can fail...but yeah this whole thing with people marrying in Vegas and divorcing soon there after...where is the so called sanctity of marriage than??

Keep in mind that I have been married and divorced..but if I choose to marry a woman next I'd like that right ;)

love that ur not narrow ;)

* I am keeping the rambling since this is my second attempt of writing this- I blame it on those dizzy feelings ;)

7:09 AM

Blogger bassislife said...

I agree with you completely. There are no non-religious reasons two consenting adults, regardless of sex, cannot get married. And since we are supposed to be protected by the separation of church and state, this should be a non-issue.

I was just reading where Ohio University may have to stop offering benefits to same-sex partners because, included in the "marriage protection" bill I mentioned in my last post, was a provision to keep any state office from offering benefits to same-sex partners of state employees.

BTW - I have a bumper sticker on my car that says "Straight but not narrow". I get quite a few positive comments on it. No negative comments, but I do get some looks at times.

10:39 AM

Blogger mujeradelmundo said...

Nice one :) on the sticker ;)

and unbelievable regarding benefits...and yeah great point whatever happened to seperation of church and state????

12:50 AM

Blogger bassislife said...

Well, they went the civil union route:

NJ lawmakers approve civil union

9:05 AM


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